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Does LGPD impact architecture firms?

There are many things to consider in different areas of your architecture firm. Just like in any other office, a lot of personal information comes and goes. Communication is active and the exchange of information is inevitable. So, offices are impacted in different ways by the LGPD.

When considering an architecture office, some changes must also be anticipated in the physical environment and in people’s relationships with everything that involves projections, suppliers, the Internet and personal data. Although the greatest risks involving data are through the Internet, to minimize all risks, it is necessary to have structures that encompass all the possibilities of infractions that may occur within the office.

Improper data sharing in architecture offices

An office needs suppliers in the same way that it needs interested parties to have its services. We now address a very important aspect, which is the mobile phone number data updated 2025 that your business can have.

Do not forward an email or phone number so that your supplier can contact a customer of yours who does not even know the source of the message. Be careful with practices of this type, which must be known to the customer, in this case, the one receiving the information.

Training and prevention

When it comes to information security, your office must be strengthened when it comes to risks. In the digital world, there is no shortage of referral marketing wanting to commit scams. Those who think that companies are not targets are mistaken. The more money involved in the relationships, the greater their interest in wanting to have access to confidential information.

When it comes to data, it is very valuable. Malware and viruses hidden in your computers can completely infect your information. Data hijacking is a process facilitated by the technologies of criminals.

Access control in architecture office systems

Have a security system in place to identify b2b reviews unauthorized access to sensitive data-intensive locations. Also, make sure that customer data is only stored on secure platforms.

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