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Selecting queries from a loop

Now, from the extensive key database, you need to select the most profitable options for promotion. To do this, you need to create a list of queries and sort them by type, focusing on the following classification.

Types of queries by meaning

  1. General  – demonstrates not a specific need iran whatsapp data of the user, but his interests. For example, “real estate Moscow”.
  2. Clear  – transparently express the user’s need that he wants to satisfy by entering a query in the browser search bar. For example, “buy real estate in Moscow”. In turn, clear queries can be divided into the following classes:
  • informational  – they specify certain details. For example, “apartments in Moscow of the agency”;
  • transactional  – containing a specific reference to an action. For example, “buy an apartment in Moscow”;
  • navigational  – in them the user points to virtual or real objects. For example, “cian apartments”.

If the selection of the site’s semantic core is aimed at high traffic conversion, then you need to try to select the most precise queries. Active use of general queries significantly increases the promotion budget, while simultaneously reducing the percentage of target visits. But if you need to achieve an increase in traffic. Selecting queries from a loop then navigational and informational general queries will be the optimal solution.

How to use the semantic core?

After cleaning and clustering the what is value selling and why is it so important semantic core, you get a list of keywords divided into clusters. Each cluster is a group of key queries united by a common topic.

The main clusters can be used to create categories and subcategories on the site, which will help organize information and improve navigation. Sub clusters can be used to create new pages taking into account the specifics of queries. For example, filter pages that will help users find the right product faster.

Using the semantic core allows you to not only optimize the site for search engines. Selecting queries from a loop but also improve the user experience. Selecting queries from a loopwhich in turn can increase conversion and audience retention on the site.

There are a few more recommendations that will help you effectively select the semantic core of your site:

Don’t rely on obviously unnatural queries.

For example, “bathhouse build cost” or “real estate rent cheap”. Such phrases cannot be naturally embedded in the text. Search engines don’t like it, which will make promotion more expensive and slower. To get information taking into account the word order, use square brackets .

  • Avoid homonyms in the trail. Queries should not contain words that do not correspond to the company’s activities or products. For example, when promoting an online store of locks, you should not use the phrase “vertical lock”, since even “assigns a medical nature to this query. In such situations, competition increases by 2 times, while the number of target visits decreases proportionally.

Do not choose long-worded low-frequency queries.

The effectiveness of semantics decreases if a long low-frequency query includes high- and mid-frequency queries (except for the mask).

To summarize the information, let’s philippines numbers consider an illustrative example. It would seem that what’s wrong if the main services of a construction company are combine in one request?

  1. This “long” query includes several high-frequency keys, which will be expensive and time-consuming to promote.
  2. It is difficult to imagine a user who would enter a similar query into the search bar.
  3. It is almost impossible to create quality content in which such a request would look organic.
  • The semantic core should not contain queries with errors. Such phrases are immediately correct by spelling and syntax analyzers of search engines. As a result, for the query “dental clinics” . Selecting queries from a loop redirect will be apple to the page with results for “dental clinics”, where promotion was not carried out, which means that efforts and resources will be spent without the desired effect.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the content published on the site will be store for years in the Internet archives. Therefore, texts with errors can eventually be use by competitors to discredit your business.

Grammatical and morphological errors in text content can lead to the target audience simply not trusting the business. Search engines, in turn, evaluate the literacy of texts on the site. Selecting queries from a loop so errors can lead to pessimization during ranking. For example, queries like “two-room apartment in Moscow for rent” or “buy a dacha country house cottage Moscow region” simply cannot be correctly insert into the text, so it is better to refuse to use them.

Avoid ambiguous semantics.

When processing such queries, Yandex activates the Spectrum algorithm, which makes the results diverse in subject matter. Taking into account personalization factors, we can say that each user will receive different results, which will significantly reduce target traffic. For example, “pens” can be door, writing, children’s or window pens. It will not be possible to collect target traffic with such queries.

  • Don’t dilute semantics with meaningless words. There is no point in using constructions like “buy an apartment for free” or “rent an apartment for free”.
  • Do not use high-frequency queries of a general nature. Despite its popularity, such semantics do not bring targeted traffic, while promotion by it will be difficult and expensive. For example, users who entered the query “credit” in the search bar are extremely rarely ready to start applying for a loan when they go to the site. It is much more effective to use the constructions “apply for a loan” or “car loan in Moscow”.
  • Don’t use queries that don’t match your business. For example, the query “buy a bike” won’t bring any commercial effect to a company that rents bikes.

These simple recommendations will help make the selection of semantic core words for website promotion an effective process.

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