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Business to Business – B2B

In B2B e-commerce, the sale takes place between two legal entities, that is, one company sells to


To create sales strategies for this channel, it is necessary to consider that corporate purchases are

usually negotiated in larger volumes, so their buyers are always looking for better prices.

In addition, sales in the B2B model have a high chance of recurrence, which is why customer

loyalty campaigns  can bring important commercial results.

Business to Employee – B2E

B2E e-commerce focuses on exclusive or special new zealand telegram data sales to company

employees. When a company’s own employees consume its products, they can sell and talk about

their usage experiences with greater ownership.

Furthermore, when the offers have special conditions and prices, this sales channel can be considered

a benefit.

This same model can also be used to manage internal purchases, with different cost centres in large

companies. Thus, it is possible to contract service hours from a certain sector or buy spare parts from

the stock of another branch, facilitating internal exchange processes.

Consumer to Business – C2B

The type of e-commerce called seo for journalists: how to optimize for your news website? Consumer

to Business (C2B) mainly involves the negotiation of services provided by the consumer to a brand.

Promoting a new product on your social networks , for example, can be a form of exchange in which

the consumer receives a reward for the action taken.

Consumer to Consumer – C2C

C2C e-commerce focuses on b to c database commercial relationships between two end consumers.

Sites such as eBay and Mercado Libre allow their users to exchange products with others. In this case,

the platform is remunerated with a commission for the sale.

To increase e-commerce profits, you need to attract a large number of negotiators as well as engage

them to close sales. Creating shares on social media, offering discount coupons, and free sign-ups are

some forms of incentive that can contribute to success.

Consumer to Administration – C2A

Another little-known type of e-commerce is C2A or Consumer to Public Administration.

This relationship can be managed via the Internet on a website where the public administration reports its demands and interested parties make their services available or accept proposals.

Business to Administration – B2A

Similar to C2A, Business to Administration e-commerce will host negotiations between companies and public administration, being able to manage negotiations following bidding models, for example.

Mobile Commerce – M-Commerce

In the case of M-commerce, sales must necessarily be made on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

What differs from e-commerce is that this business model can also be used for shopping with desktop computers and other devices.

Social Commerce: S-Commerce

S-commerce is more common. This is the type of e-commerce that is made possible by social media.

On Facebook and Instagram , for example, you can create shops and sell products and services.

Facebook commerce – F-Commerce

F-commerce is the description or name given to the sales solution offered by Facebook. As in the case of S-commerce, this sales model must focus its efforts on promoting relevant content for the sale of items in the social network’s virtual store.

In addition to product images, it requires excellent use of Content Marketing to work on topics involving consumption, style and good usage practices.

Tutorials, memes, and other formats, if supported by the target audience, can also be used to increase engagement .

Chat commerce – C-Commerce

C-commerce is a model where its main differential is collaborative commerce. Different users connect to contract, buy or sell products and services.

Television Commerce: T-Commerce

Digital television can also be a great sales channel and is the focus of T-commerce that uses specific programs about products or services.

Not all products and services convert well in this e-commerce format, so it is necessary to carry out prior research on the habits and behaviors of the campaign’s target audience to assess whether the channel will be successful in terms of sales.

Subscription trading

Subscription commerce sells subscriptions to services and has different models or value propositions.

The first is when the customer subscribes to an extended package to have the benefit of the discount, that is, a cheaper price than if they were to buy individually.

There is also subscription commerce that focuses on “curation.” In this case, a specialist makes a special selection of products and makes them available to subscribers.

And finally, it is also possible to work with the membership model, in which only subscribers have access to products and differentials.

Each subscription commerce model will work best with a specific audience and service. Therefore, to develop a sales strategy, it is necessary to conduct a study of which model would be most responsive and meaningful for leads .

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