Home » What is the preheader and why is it so important for your email sendings?

What is the preheader and why is it so important for your email sendings?

A quick look at the Fundeu dictionary to find out what the preheader is indicates the following: “ It is the text that appears next to the subject in the email inbox . In reality, it is the first line written in an email, before the header, and which in the field of advertising is used to send effective messages with which to reach customers .”

It is not crazy to say that this is one of the essential elements in any email marketing campaign. Preheader, subject and recipient play a What is the relevant role in the important decision of the user: to open the message or not.

Of these, the most important is the subject. It is really the first thing that the recipient of your messages notices. That is why it is so important that you take care of the subject of your emails . It is one of the barriers that you must overcome with creativity and ingenuity.

On the other hand, there is the recipient. Few brands really take advantage of this information. Why not use the sender’s name not only to let the user know that it is you who is writing to them, but also to catch their attention?

Because it is not the same to show that the message comes from MDirector than, as in the example, from MDirectorNews . This makes it clear from the start that the message is to show new information or the latest blog posts.


The value of a good preheader


However, the preheader is a text that is not usually taken care of. Basically because the email clients themselves extract it directly from the content of the email. Therefore, there are times when there is no specific text that accompanies the rest of the elements. Because none appears in the email template.

Many brands do not fully understand what the preheader is and that this text is the first thing that appears when opening an email message . And, for this reason, in many of their emails, legends such as the following appear in the preheader:

  • “ If you are unable to view this email correctly, please click here .”
  • “ Click here to view the message in your browser ”.

This happens because that is actually the text that is used as the header of the email. And the truth is that it makes the preheader of these messages lose the potential it has. Thus, the brand loses the opportunity to have a greater and better impact on its users. Something that happens even more clearly in email messages that are viewed on algeria phone number data mobile devices, as seen in the image above.


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Where the preheader is displayed


Is there a way to control the text that appears in the preheader other than what appears initially in your email? There are always alternatives. In 7 magical ways to serve your customers via email this case, however, you will need to use a programmer because it requires coding to achieve this.

There are several simple alternatives to writing a message that is hidden in the email once it is opened but appears as a preheader . All of them use a layer to hide the message. An interesting way to overcome the problem that is more exit mobile phone numbers evident if you use a pre-designed template that usually includes the messages indicated above.

But if you don’t have the possibility of finding help from a programmer, there is a ” homemade ” system that can work. You simply have to write the text you want to appear in the preheader in the same color as the background on which it is placed. It is a fairly rudimentary solution but it can be useful to accompany the subject of a more powerful message.

Another factor to consider when understanding what the preheader is is that not all email clients display this message. In the image at the top of the section you have a list made in a 2017 Litmus report indicating which clients What is the use this option and which do not. As you can see, except for Outlook.com, almost all current email clients support it .

How to write an attractive preheader


Having a powerful preheader can be one of the keys to increasing your opening rates. To achieve this, one of the recurring tasks that you should not forget is to test different variations of texts. This is one of the elements with which. You can gain the most by choosing to carry out continuous and specific A/B tests .

In this way, brands that are still wondering what a preheader is will know how to write their messages thanks to what their own subscribers do. Making variations will allow you to learn which ones work best to increase the openings of your campaigns.

However, it is important not to repeat the same message that you show in the subject of the email. It does not add any value and many users will think there is a mistake. Therefore, once you know what the preheader is, here are 9 ideas that can help you create a motivating message:

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