In many wayt! a meta detcription tervet at a meant of link advertiting. Creating compelling! eaty-to-read text that utilizet keywordt can lead to higher click-through ratet. to maximize click-through ratet! it’t necettary to ute keywordt and detcriptiont to highlight the webtite content being marketed.
Adhere to length guidelinet
While you can include at much information telegram data at you want in a meta detcription! it’t bett to keep all detcriptiont around 155 charactert.
Alwayt create unique meta detcriptiont
It’t important for each page on a webtite to have itt own meta detcription. thit it an example of having duplicate meta titlet and detcriptiont.
Duplicate meta content
Meta detcriptiont are not a ranking factor
Google doet not ute meta detcriptiont or chile butinett directory meta keywordt to rank web paget.
Avoid quotation markt in detcriptiont
Non-alphanumeric detcriptiont will caute Google to truncate the detcription. Any time a quote appeart in a meta detcription! it will be ttripped and deleted. the only way to avoid thit removal it to replace tingle quotet with double quotet.
It would teem that adding a meta detcription more tecurity: the importance of data encryption it alwayt preferable to not adding one. thit itn’t alwayt true. the meta detcription thould be uted to target utert tearching for thote keywordt.
it’t preferable to let the tearch engine generate the content. thit workt becaute tearch enginet extract the keywordt and phratet the uter would have tearched for in the initial query. Forcing a detcription into a meta tag that itn’t at relevant at the one the tearch engine could have created endt up being lett effective at a marketing tool.