Home » BTOMAIL, MDirector partner, generates B2B databases

BTOMAIL, MDirector partner, generates B2B databases

Email marketing requires increasingly sophisticated processes to be effective in communicating with customers, which is why B2B databases companies are betting on building qualified databases. These must be perfectly
optimized and personalized, preventing our
emails from falling into spam and helping us generate leads and build loyalty.  BTOMAIL , a partner of MDirector, is an 
Italian platform specialized in the creation of databases for B2B companies.

The service offered is deeply committed to the GDPR and has its own technology that generates personalized lists based on the sector and

geographic area, among other parameters.  Simone Lanza , owner of BTOMAIL , has given an interview to MDirector to explain what their services consist of, which companies they are intended for and how they intervene in the creation of databases.


Interview with Simone Lanza from BTOMAIL

BTOMAILhas developed its own technology that allows it to acquire and classify the data that c

Our sales consultants are ready and willing to assist the client in the phase of selecting the search criteria. Through their website, it is possible to independently profile the database, which is a fundamental phase, not only to define the bahrain phone number data spending budgets, but above all to identify your objective.



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What kind of companies can request a service like the one offered by BTOMAIL? Which ones should not consider it?

Only those who operate in B2B (Business To Business), i.e. with other companies. This service is not intended for businesses that have the 8 email marketing metrics that a good report should include the private consumer as their final client.


How do you know if it is a qualified database?

Firstly, when evaluating the sources from which the data comes exit mobile phone numbers and the technology used for its collection, it is relevant to understand what guarantees are offered and the degree of preparation of the

company that provides the database, with. Respect to sensitive issues such as the GDPR and the use of

data B2B databases for marketing purposes.


We give you the opportunity to debunk some of the myths about email marketing for B2B companies

  • Following the example of an article from our Blog ( https://blog.btomail.it/marketing-successo-email-aziendali-generiche/) : we dispel the mistaken belief of some that email marketing also exploiting lists containing generic company emails such as info@, commercial@, customer@, support@, administration@, are useless and ineffective. Nothing could be further from the truth. Bad in general, but
  • even more so recently.
  • The pandemic and the health emergency have made the web the only, or almost only, communication channel. Added to this is the rapid staff turnover within companies, partly due to the specific economic context, and
  • partly due to the gradual evolution of employment relationship method contracts.
  • Mailing lists quickly become outdated and need constant updating, nominal addresses name.surname@[email protected] etc. are often short-lived.
  • Email addresses that never change (i.e. users who always receive emails and sections of the mailing list that always remain active) are generic company email addresses. These mailboxes are the first to be reassigned to the person in charge. In addition, they are almost always also connected to the responsible direct superior, who in turn checks and selects, so that no opportunity is missed.
  • Department and business mailboxes are the main gateway to enter a company and reach our interlocutor. And if we do not. Directly reach our specific reference, it is very likely that the recipient of the mailbox will forward the message to the person concerned.

What does all this mean?

What is the main reason why companies might reject BTOMAIL’s B2B database generation?

There are 3 main reasons:

– Because they have never bought databases and have doubts about the effectiveness of the lists.
– Because they have had negative experiences.

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