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5 tips for creating personalized email marketing campaigns

There are currently multiple communication channels that allow a direct approach to your customers. Betting on personalized email marketing campaigns is an option to guarantee empathy and loyalty towards your brand  and thus obtain Create personalized favorable results in your marketing strategies.

Using appropriate segmentation in your campaign allows you to identify and categorize your users and will help you automate your messages . This way, you will know the interests of your target audience in order to provide them with what they really need.

But designing personalized email marketing campaigns is not a task that you should do quickly. Take your time to plan all the actions to be developed well. Only then will you achieve the conversion rates you are interested in.


What is message personalization?


Personalization uses subscriber data and information to create more specific emails. It is worth noting that in these messages the tone of communication is more personal with the client.

As a study conducted by the University of Extremadura states, “ companies must learn to listen, understand and analyse their visitors. Correctly managing the feedback that they provide during their visits to the Internet will be key to being able to send personalised messages ”.

In this way, the personalization process begins by creating a message that adapts to and recognizes your consumers to stimulate a conversation between the brand and the customer . This way, you can achieve a positive response and australia phone number data immediate interaction, without neglecting automation.


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Why should you send personalized email marketing campaigns?

One of the reasons why you should send Email Marketing discovery ads and gmail: how to create campaigns campaigns is to ensure that you show a pleasant and friendly image to your audiences. The link with the brand builds loyalty among users and increases the consumption of your services or products.

Additionally, managing email marketing strategies exit mobile phone numbers will optimize your relationships with your customers through clear content that provides value . This generates several benefits:

  • You improve your brand reputation by providing transparency and trust to your subscribers.
  • You gain visibility to expand your promotions to a greater number of users.
  • You achieve greater interactivity by communicating with your customers frequently. This way, you can send offers at a specific time.
  • Reduce costs without having to use stationery services, postal deliveries or paid advertising.
  • Increase sales through attractive promotions and offers.

5 tips for creating personalized email marketing campaigns

Emails are a very interesting and effective Create personalized tool for managing your business and developing a communication channel with favorable results.

Below are 5 tips for creating personalized email marketing campaigns that you should always keep in mind when starting a new project:

1.- Have a qualified database and a good Lead Scoring system


One of the first steps to follow is to have a list of subscribers. It must be qualified by a Lead Scoring system and must determine those users with the greatest viability. In this way, you will be able to define the following aspects:

  • Real interest. Establish the degree of loyalty and interest of your contacts in relation to your products and services.
  • Behavior and participation. Evidence of the interaction of your content and communication channels with users via email.
  • Sales cycle. Identify the different stages to develop in order to determine the niche in which the user is located. In the same way, you can find out the reason for the visit, whether it is for commercial services, requests or phone calls.
  • Qualified contacts. You need users who are qualified to make a purchase. This ensures that you can diversify and reduce the risk of establishing communication with audiences that are not prepared or have no intention of purchasing.

Implementing shipping automation with triggers

Using automation through triggers allows for personalized communication in your campaigns. The main goal is to offer individual actions to users who are looking to obtain information they need to satisfy their needs.

Triggers are used to give greater visibility to your services and to keep sending direct messages automatically. It is important to maintain a regularity with updated content that is appropriate to the current demand of your community.

Steps to correctly apply triggers

In triggers you can offer valuable content such as discounts or offers that attract the closing of a successful sale. But how do you apply them correctly? These are the keys to follow step by step:

  • Welcome. This is the first step to start a conversation with the user. You should take the opportunity to thank them for registering and send information about your brand according to their preferences and services of interest.
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