Always remember that advertising posts on VKontakte are regulated by law and the social network’s own policies. Create ads correctly, taking into account all moderation requirements. Go to the “Advertising” section. On the home page, launch the “Advertising account”. Select the “Create an ad” command. If you have access to the agency’s iraq whatsapp data advertising account, you will immediately find yourself on its page. Find the desired client in the list. Click “Create an ad”. Next, go to the main parameters and step-by-step instructions for setting up targeted advertising on VK.
Goals of advertising on
Before you launch an advertising campaign, you need to Setting up target determine what exactly you want to achieve. When analyzing the results, you should evaluate whether you managed to achieve your planned goals and how. You can then draw conclusions and, if necessary, adjust your strategy.
The goals of launching an seo for journalists: how to optimize for your news website? advertising campaign include:
1. Increasing the number of subscribers.
2. Receiving more applications and increasing sales.
3. Engaging the audience, such as increasing the number of likes and reposts.
4. Informing the audience about new products or company events, as well as discounts in the store.
5. Increasing the number of app downloads.
Step by step instructions:
1. Log in to your advertising account. If you are doing Setting up target this for the first time, click the “Advertisement” button in the lower left corner of the page.
2. The “VK for Business” page will open. There will also be a link to your advertising account on the right. Select the “Targeted Advertising” tab and click the “Create Ad” button.
3. Select the format of advertising placement: advertising posts in the news feed or announcements on the website pages.
Newsfeed ads are posts that are displayed directly in the VKontakte newsfeed, alternating with posts from friends and groups that users are subscribed to. Ads will be shown on computers, mobile phones, and tablets.
Advertisements on the site pages are text philippines numbers and graphic advertisements that are displayed on VKontakte on the left under the menu, look like small images with text, and are visible only on the desktop version of the site.
Once you have decided on the type of ad, you can move on to the ad settings. Regardless of the chosen placement format, the targeting settings are almost identical. Therefore, we will now look at how to create ads using the example of the “Record with a button” format.
4. Select the “Post with button” option and click “Create post” (you can also select an existing post and run the ad).
5. Add a link to the group you will be advertising (the main condition is that you must be the community administrator).
6. In the window that appears, write the text (no more than 220 characters and no more than 2 hyphens), upload a picture or video. Then add a button (in this case, it is to join the community) and click “Create”.
Next, we move on to the advertising campaign settings.
7. Specify the parameters of the advertised object – age marking (if necessary).
For example, if you are advertising a thriller that is not suitable for children under 18, mark it as “18+”. If there is no age limit, select “Do not specify”.
8. Specify the target audience settings.
On the right side of the page there is a counter that shows the potential audience reach – the number of registered VKontakte users who will be able to see your ad depending on the selected targeting settings.
Each new setting will decrease or increase the potential reach. And in this case, it is important to determine the portrait of your potential buyer as accurately as possible, using the functionality of the advertising account.
Specify the geography of residence of the users targeted by the advertising campaign.
This could be all of Russia, 5 cities where the company has branches, or, for example, certain metro stations in St. Petersburg.
It is important to select a country, Setting up target the rest of the settings depend only on the size and specifics of the business: you can include or exclude the region and city at your discretion.
Please note that the IP address is not used as the primary source of information about the user’s location. The system primarily analyzes the data that users provide on their pages, including their geolocation.
Please indicate the gender, age, birthday, and marital status of your audience.
It is important to remember the specifics of the business. If you sell, for example, universal products, there is no point in specifying gender. The age of users also needs to be specified depending on who your target audience is.
It is better not to pay attention to the “Marital Status” column, as it may not be filled in or filled in incorrectly. But for those who have a birthday coming up, you can offer a special discount. This setting will also be useful if you have, for example, a gift or balloon shop.